Buy Flowers to Support NNS -Northfield Preschool

Northfield Preschool Fundraiser

Hello, Friends & Families of Northfield Nursery School Preschool,

We are launching our Spring Flower Fundraiser to help support our efforts for the playground improvement project. We are using a program called Flower Power.

This fundraiser is exclusively online and is easy on your part -- simply copy and paste the web link below and share away! Anyone that wants to order will do so directly online, through our personalized school online store. Every shopper will pay online and have items shipped directly to them! You do not need to gather any orders, collect any money, or deliver any goods. Also, the company ships anywhere in the United States so you can send the link to family and friends across the country and have them support our fundraising goal!

Northfield Preschool Fundraiser

Please use this link (share it via email, text, social media, etc!):

Shoppers will order on the website and sign out as a guest. Their items will be shipped in the order they are received by the company. I have attached a document with some FAQ that may assist in general inquiries you may have. You can direct other questions or concerns to me, if needed.

Northfield Preschool Fundraiser

Ordering will be open until May 15, 2022. Please encourage folks to get their spring/summer gardening needs from our site -- all of the products are 100% guaranteed.

Thank you for your time and efforts with sharing this online store and supporting our Northfield Preschool;

I am excited to see how far we can reach with this fundraiser!

Kindest Regards,

Sarah J Jurewicz

Fundraising Coordinator


Art Crawl - Northfield Nursery School


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