Welcome to NNS Preschool
Northfield Nursery School has been providing Northfield's preschoolers with quality education since 1942.
Northfield Nursery School is a play-based preschool that offers part-day classes for children ages 3-5.
We are a non-profit, family-involved preschool that values children’s development socially, emotionally, physically and cognitively for their future educational endeavors. We believe a child's family is their first teacher and strive to involve them in their child's preschool experience.

We utilize an experiential learning model which includes:
vocabulary building
beginning math
language concepts
To achieve these goals we always foster a fun play based learning environment for our preschoolers!
We have over 80 years of combined experience in Early Childhood Education and have completed countless hours of post-secondary work in the field.
Our teacher's value community and family connections.
They focus on building social and emotional development and supporting students in becoming ready learners.
We invite you to learn more about the people that make Northfield Nursery School so special.
Our Blog
Our Programs
Northfield Nursery School is proud to offer the a multiple classes for children ages 3, 4, and 5. Families may enroll in the class(es) that best fits their family's needs. This includes combining 2-day and 3-day Mornings to create a 5-day experience, or adding a Lunch Bunch option from 11:30-12:30 M-F. Classes begin in September and run through mid-May.
For additional information or questions please contact Director Kathy Lansing
(507) 645-4607